Macbeth Play


Macbeth PlayIn response to Macbeth’s questions, the witches in Act IVcall upon the apparitions who answer most of his questions but warn him not to probe too deeplyWhen Macbeth hears that no one born of a woman will harm him, he decides tokill Macduff anywayMalcolm pretends he is too evil to become king in order tomake certain of Macduff’s loyaltyAs he considers Macbeth’s kingship Banquo feelsglimmers of hope for his sonsThe “barren scepter” Macbeth refers to in Scene I is a symbol implying that hewill have no heirs to the throneIn Scene IV, when Macbeth hears that Fleance has escaped the murderers, he reacts withanxietyWhen Macbeth begins talking to Banquo’s ghost in scene IV, Lady Macbeth reacts bytelling the others that Macbeth has an illnessIn scene V Hecate intends to ensure Macbeth’s downfall by making himoverconfidentAt the beginning of scene I what is Banquo wondering?if Macbeth took the crown unjustlyWhy doesn’t Macbeth sit down at the feast?Banquo’s ghost sits in his chairWhy is Hecate angry with the witches?They acted without her approvalWhat message does Lenox want to send to Macduff?He needs to save Scotland from MacbethWho says “we have scorched the snake, but not killed it?”Macbeth

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