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iTAC Positioned as a Sample Vendor for Composite Applications in Gartner Hype Cycle 2024

iTAC (www.itacsoftware.com) has been placed in the “Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for Revenue and Sales Technology, 2024” as a Sample Vendor in the “Composite Applications” category. “Gartner Hype Cycles are graphic representations of the maturity, relevancy and adoption rate of emerging and mainstream innovations. CIOs and IT leaders can use Hype Cycles and associated Priority Matrices to strategize roadmaps for investing in the right innovations at the right time.“

Fit for the future with composable architecture

In the “Hype Cycle for Revenue and Sales Technology, 2024”, iTAC is positioned as a Sample Vendor in the “Composite Applications” segment. We believe that iTAC is therefore setting a good example in this area.

“Composable stands for a modern IT architecture concept in which systems and applications are composed of modular, reusable and independent components. These components can include different types of software modules, microservices, containers or applications and can be developed using different technologies and platforms. They are designed to be easily combinable, interchangeable and scalable in order to be able to react quickly to business requirements and market changes. These trends and the continuing digitalization and automation in the manufacturing industry are driving the development of MES/MOM systems.

The switch from monolithic systems to microservice-oriented architectures therefore enables greater independence, flexibility and agility,” explains Martin Heinz, board member of iTAC Software AG.

The Manufacturing Operations Management solution iTAC.MOM.Suite works according to this principle, setting new standards in the manufacturing industry. The MOM combines Manufacturing Execution System (MES) functions with real-time solutions for controlling, optimizing and forecasting production processes. It has all the necessary functions for networking and automating processes. The open and service-oriented architecture simplifies data exchange and forms the basis for seamless integration into existing platform concepts. The microservices approach makes it easy to add new functionalities as required.

Martin Heinz says: “We think the recognition in the Gartner report confirms that our production management system is fit for the future.“

Read the full report here: https://www.itacsoftware.com/de/media/analysten-reports/gartner-report

iTAC positioned as a Sample Vendor for Composite Applications in Gartner Hype Cycle 2024
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