The Study Of Proxemics

Interpersonal relationship Personal Psychology Relationship

The Study Of Proxemics

The study of proxemics was introduced by Edward T. Hall in 1966 to describe the interactions between different people and the way that they act (Hall 1966). As Hall explained, the dynamics of proxemics is similar to that of gravity in that there are inverse influences that two bodies exert upon each other (Hall 1966). This concept is not some imaginary spatial boundary but is in fact a certain zone that is quantifiable and measurable. According to certain studies, the body spacing and posture that is essential in this understanding can vary and affect the proxemics between individuals (Hall 1966).

The reason for this is that there are unintentional human behavioral reactions to any shifts or changes, such as changes in a person’s voice. There are different spheres for proxemics and different standards for such. The first sphere is the Intimate distance sphere which is around 1-18 inches in radius. This sphere is, as the name suggests, quite intimate and is accessible only to a select few.

The final sphere is the public distance sphere which is from 12 feet to 25 feet.

This is usually the distance that is used for public speaking (Hall 1966). At this level, there is no discernment on who can access. The relevance of all of this lies in understanding the nature of certain cultures or races. As the world continues to expand and races interact, there is a growing need to understand certain character differences and also to respect the personal space of people. Every person has a right to privacy but this is also correlated to the right to exist in a community. As such, studies such as personal space and proxemics aid in this understanding.

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