Jack as an Animal Meaghan Browning

Animal Pig

Jack as an Animal Meaghan Browning

William Golding, author of Lord of the Flies, intends for the reader to view Jack as an animal because he wants to convey that civilization keeps humans from crossing the line from good to evil, but when there are no rules the savage side of people comes out.

When Jack is hunting in the forest for the pig the narrator uses a simile to describe Jack as an animal. “He was down like a sprinter, his nose only a few inches away fro the humid earth.

” (48) This shows Jack being viewed as an animal because it shows that when he puts his nose so close to the ground he’s using his sense of smell to track and hunt the pig. This shows his savage and evil side coming out.

When Jack is getting frustrated from not catching the pig the narrator describes Jack with a metaphor. “Eyes that in this frustration seemed bolting and nearly mad.” (48) This shows Jack being viewed as an animal because it shows that his bolting eyes are looking for something to hunt like an animal would when they are looking for prey.

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