Crash Character Analysis

Character Prejudice

Crash Character Analysis

Officer Tommy Hansen, a Los Angeles police officer who, after observing his partner Officer John Ryan pull over Cameron Thayer and Christine Thayer and sexually molests Christine, requests a change of partner. He ultimately reveals his own insecurities with other races through his treatment of Peter Waters. We later see Tommy walking away from his burning car wearing a pair of latex gloves, thus concealing his involvement in the shooting.

Officer John Ryan, a prejudiced white police officer who molests Cameron’s wife, Christine, under the pretense of searching for a weapon.

Ryan is trying to get help for his father, who has been misdiagnosed with a bladder infection. His anger manifests in prejudice, which stems from the destructive impact that local affirmative action policies had on his father’s business. He later saves Christine from a burning car when he had the perfect opportunity to ensure that he left the burning car alive, which leaves Christine stunned.

Cameron Thayer, a black television director.

The next day she is trapped in an overturned car due to a car accident and, by a twist of fate, Officer Ryan is the man who willingly endangers himself to save her life.

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