Peter the Apostle

Christianity Pet Religion

Peter the Apostle

Peter the apostle was born BC 15 or so. Peter the apostle has been said to look like a very weak man. He was medium height, more so tall, and had very pale skin. Also, it has been said that Peter had a short, thick, curled beard, and very thin eyebrows, if not, no eyebrows at all. Another character trait of the Peter the apostle is that his eyes were almost all black, but had red marks due to weeping frequently. Peter the apostle, the most prominent of Jesus’ twelve disciples.

Peter was born in Bethsaida, near Galilee. By profession, the apostle Peter was a fisherman. His father was also a fisherman, and was named Jonah. Peter’s brother, Andrew was also a fisherman, so their family took part in that business.

Peter’s faith was so firm, that Jesus gave him the name of Cephas, meaning in a different language, a rock.

The house that Peter lived in is still standing, although it has been changed into a Christian church.

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” And the man was healed, from Peter the apostle.

Peter the apostle, was called by the apostle Paul a “pillar” of the Church. Meaning that he was a very strong Christian, and his faith was so deep in the Christian church.

Peter defended the inclusion of the Gentiles, who are the non Jews, into the Christian Church at the Apostolic Council in Jerusalem. His ministry was primarily to the Jews, as the apostle Paul’s was to the Gentiles. Peter was imprisoned several times in Jerusalem, because of his faith, Peter left with his wife and possibly his others, such as friends and family, his children. It is believed that he ministered (in Babylon) to the Jewish colonists there. It is, also, believed to be his location when he wrote his first epistle, which is Peter 1.

Peter had eventually gone to Rome. While there, it is believed that John Mark, who was the write of the book of Mark served as his translator while he had preached. One Church tradition says that “Mark the disciple and interpreter of the apostle Peter wrote a short gospel at the request of the brethren at Rome, embodying what he had heard Peter tell.” Which is saying Peter was the actual writer of it.

According to that Church tradition, the Roman Emperor Nero, announced publicly that himself the chief enemy of God, was led in his fury to slaughter the Apostles. Because of this persecution and the fact that he was a Christian, Peter was crucified upside down while he was in Rome.

Concerning the last hours of his Peter’s life, it is said that Peter, when seeing his own wife led out was to die, was ecstatic and rejoiced because of her summons and her return to home. Peter called out to her very comfortingly and encouragingly, getting to her by name, and saying, “O thou, remember the Lord.” Letting her not forget who the Lord is.

Of the final days of the apostle Peter’s life in Rome, Italy, it has been said that Peter was cast into a terrible prison called the Mamertine Prison. For up to nine months, in all darkness everyday, he endured torture manacled to a post. Out of all of the suffering Peter was subjected to, he actually ended up converting his jailer partners, Processus, Martinianus, and forty-seven others that he knew in the jail of Mamertine.

Peter eventually died at the age of 33 or maybe 34, in 64 AD. He died from being crucified on the cross, from Nero. He was killed for his faith, even though Peter denied Jesus three times, he was still a great man, and “The Rock” for God. Peter is a great example to many others, that you can do anything if you keep trying, and that God forgives you for anything. Just like God forgave Simon for denying Jesus up to three times. Peter will never be forgotten, and will always be remembered.

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