Denotations and Connotations

Industry Network Social Network

Denotations and Connotations

However, in a year that saw the social networking juggernaut Facebook turn a profit for only the first time, it was not clear whether Twitter could achieve financial independence from its venture capital investors.Synonym = powerhouse

Explanation: I chose the word powerhouse, because the original word, “juggernaut” indicates that Facebook forcefully took over the social networking industry. I wanted to use a word to indicate powerful success.


Having demonstrated its versatility as a high-tech newswire, Twitter drew the attention of those who would prefer to see certain information suppressed.

Synonym = adaptability

I chose the word adaptible because, the original word “versatility”, indicates that Twitter was able to conform to fit every ones needs or personal preferences. I wanted to use a word to indicate it’s skillfulness.

Millions of users attempted to log into Twitter only to be greeted by the service’s iconic “fail whale,” the image of a cartoon whale being hoisted into the air by a flock of birds, signaling a site outage.

Synonym = plan

I chose the word plan because, the word “platform” indicates that it was something solid and set in stone. I wanted to use a word that indicated that it was a permanent thing.

High-profile users tweeted about the drive to help victims of the earthquake, and many of their followers tweeted and re-tweeted the message, helping the Red Cross raise more than $8 million through text messaging within 48 hours of the quake.Synonym = move

I chose move because, the word “drive” indicates that it was a movement. I wanted to use a word to indicate that it was a progress.

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