Classroom Problems


Classroom Problems

1.Classroom ShortageTeachers have to shout so loud because 70 – 100 students were jam packed sharing one classroom. Many classrooms have been divided into two by partitions. Stairwells and corridors have been converted into miniature classrooms. There were morning and afternoon sessions (2 shifts) to accommodate all students.

2.Bullying inside the classroomDisunity and bullying greatly affects a student behavior and performance inside the classroom. Bullying is very damaging to a student. It might affect his/her self-confidence and might induce the student to go into a shell and thus makes his world gloomier.

3.Classroom BehaviorOne of the biggest problems that are usually encountered by the teachers are their student’s behavior. It can cause disrupt for other students in the class. Other issues are students who don’t want to participate for various reasons. Also students being unprepared for school, not having the resources, or having homework done, because of various reasons (home life, parent problems, etc).

4.Lack of parental cooperationMany parents lack guidance to their kids.

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